Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Daily Nickel

1.  Sagging - Someone tell me why people still do this?

2.  Webb to see team Dr. - I dont really know what it means to not be able to "get loose" but BWebb's cancelled session sounds more precautionary than seriously concerning.  Still, for all us who wrote him into the rotation, this is a little wake-up call to the risks in this risk-reward signing.

3.  The NFL from the eyes of a player's wife - I'm probably not as sympathetic as the many who are touting this article, but I'm not totally unsympathetic either.  Regardless of your viewpoint on player safety, this is worth a read....

4.  NCAA Selection Committee announces sweet 16:  It's the teams that won last weekend.  The D-FDub's picks to get to the Elite 8 are Ohio St, UNC, the Uncle Toms (Duke), the Kemba Walkers (UCONN), the Morris bros (Kansas), FSU, Wisconsin and the Fightin' Jimmers (BYU).

5.  Black dudes rapping about a white mormon off-guard........he must be good.

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