Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Daily Nickel

1.  Holland Expects a Spot in the Rotation-  Holland has had an impressive Spring and the general consensus is that he has earned a spot whether Feliz comes out of the bullpen or not.  The Dutch oven certainly thinks he's nailed it.  I'm sure he's prepared to demand a trade if things don't go his way.

Haters still think this was unnatural
2. NFL Players Don't Trust Owners- Turns out Bradie James is a little slow.  Fans across the D-Fdub have known that Jerry Jones is a lying, no-good, so-and-so ever since he ran off Jimmy.

3. Bonds Jury Members Selected- The over-reporting of his perjury case begins with a detailed bio sans names of each individual juror.  Juror #42 sounds hot.

4. The World's Greatest Extra- You've seen Jesse Heimen before... He's the World's Greatest Extra.  He’s a lover… Not a fighter, but he’s also a fighter, so Don’t get any ideas.

5. Things Worth Forgetting-  Read this... it will change your life.  Just kidding, I can't even remember what it's about, but read it anyway and if it changes your life remember who told you so.

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